Credit cards, you can definitely not live without them. Well, they can be your best friend and your worst enemy. Personally, I think having a credit card can be a great advantage if you know how to manage this "monster". I have a US bank college reward visa credit card with a limit of $300. I would try to make all my purchase through my credit card. WHY? it is easier to accumulate points through your credit card than your debit card. The U.S bank debit card are hard to accumulate point or cash rebate because you mostly need to shop online at certain approved merchants or store in order to receive points for your purchase. In my opinion, this is a U.S bank scam to lure customers to sign up for their debit card in hoping to earn some money on overdraft fees and so on. I would really like to know people that have redeem rewards from their debit card. I might be wrong but i am certain that there are more numbers of people redeeming rewards from their credit card than debit card.
Every purchase of $1 dollar is equivalent to one rewards points. If you accumulate enough point, you actually redeem some cool stuff like:
1,500 points for a $10 burger gift cards
1,500 points for a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card
For more information about the rewards, visit Most people would probably say it is impossible to accumulate that much points, but i will assure you that you will get there in no time. Credit card is also a good way to build credit history as you are basically "history" without credit history. Most of all, you are protected from any unauthorized purchases made from your credit card.
I will only talk to you about the goody goody side of credit card for now. Let's us not spoil the moment. I will unleash the demon in it in the next blog.
Happy Saving.
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